
Quick information regarding moving to or visiting Russia.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to contact The TikTok Fugitive?

Please join our Telegram chat room: TikTok Fugitive Chat

What VPN can be used while in Russia?

VPNs ARE legal to use in Russia. Kaspersky VPN is Russian based and will allow access to sites otherwise not available in Russia.

How to learn the Russian language?

Start free with Duolingo app for Android / iPhone.

How much cash can you bring to Russia?

You can bring up to $10,000 in cash. If you are coming from The EU has a ban on exporting Euros however and does enforce it. Amounts of less than 300 are usually allowed through. To bypass this, bring dollars.

Can you open a Russian bank account as a tourist?

Yes and it only takes a few hours. Contact me for a referral.

How to transfer money into Russia since SWIFT is blocked?

Yes, contact me for details.

How to get to Russia with sanctions?

You can fly through Serbia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Dubai, China and many other countries. If you are coming from the USA, Turkish Airlines departs from 14 American cities.

Where can you search for jobs in Russia?

Are jobs easy to find for English speakers?

Yes, but many teach English because as a native English speaker the pay is higher than even most professional jobs.

How to open a Russian bank account?

I can provide you with referral code, but first you need to be in Russia to open it. It only takes a few hours in most cases and you can even do it while visiting as a tourist. Residency is not required.

Where to look for an apartment to rent in Russia?

Where to look for hotels in Russia?

How can I use a VPN?

VPN usage is NOT illegal in Russia however most VPNs are blocked. The easiest way to use a VPN is use a Russian based VPN such as Kaspersky VPN which can be purchased for at little as $20 per year using a Russian card. Using a foreign card it is around $35 per year.